Dr Charles Serrurier’s February Body Lifts



This month, my newsletter is all about the lifts! As the year begins, it’s not always only our spirits that need to be lifted! And this is what I can help you with! At my practice, I offer many lifting options, whether it’s facial or body surgeries.

You will read about Breast Lift, Brow Lift, Face Lift, Arm Lift and Thigh and Buttocks Lift.

Of course, all the info will be concise so make sure to visit my website for more in depth explanations

Lastly, if there is anything else you would like to know or something in particular that you would like me to explain, phone my rooms on 011 875 1630or simply leave a comment on my Facebook page and I will get back to you as soon as I can.



With age, pregnancy and breast feeding and fluctuation in weight, the ligaments and skin envelope which maintain the youthful shape of the breasts, stretch and elongate causing an unpleasant drooping of the breast on the chest wall.

This phenomenon is called ptosis and this is what the Breast Lift will correct.

How does breast lift surgery correct ptosis?
In order to reverse this drooping, I tighten the breast skin and reshape the breast tissue, which in turn will provide a more youthful shape with an improved nipple position. Also, did you know that I could reduce the diameter of your areola if you wish?

Breast Lift and Augmentation is a very common combination procedure!
If fullness and volume are important to you, an implant can be inserted during the breast lift to enhance size or firmness. This is a combination procedure called a Mastopexy Augmentation or Breast lift with additional implants.

Post-operative treatments too, can help reduce the visible scars quickly and effectively. I will discuss your initial reasons for wanting a breast lift and all the options available to you, and thereafter, will take care to ensure that you are satisfied with your new breast shape and scar treatment.



Over time, frequent facial movements related to facial expressions can lead to a variety of lines and wrinkles in the skin. This is particularly true in the brow area where frown lines and forehead furrows may develop above the nose and across the middle of the forehead.

The brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure, which can eliminate lines and furrows in the brow and forehead area. At the same time, the eyebrows may be restored to a more elevated and youthful position and excess skin of the upper eyelids can be eliminated.

The result after a brow lift is a smoother forehead, lifted eyebrows, and an overall more youthful and refreshed appearance to the brow area.

Brow Lift surgery can improve a tired, angry or sad appearance that is often associated with an aged forehead. Specifically, the brow lift can correct the following:

  • Frown lines
  • Forehead furrows
  • Forehead creases
  • Drooping eyebrows
  • Hooding over the eyes

The best candidates for a brow lift are looking to improve aging in the brow and forehead area, are in generally good health, and have realistic expectations.

Other complimentary treatments including Botox®, Fillers and Restylane® Vital. These non-surgical options are available as non-permanent solutions to the position of your brow & forehead lines.



At my practice, Facelifts are nearly as popular as Breast Augmentations, and I often combine Facelift surgery with other procedures.

Can’t I have Botox and fillers instead of a Facelift?
Although signs of aging eventually appear in all areas of the face, for many people the mid to lower face and neck tend to fare the worst. As skin and tissue lose elasticity, gravity begins to pull them downward.

This is the single most common reason for Facelift Surgery. These areas unfortunately cannot be treated appropriately with Botox and Fillers.

Having a surgical facelift will tighten and reposition sagging skin, wrinkled skin, and loose muscles to leave you looking younger and refreshed. The perfect procedure to boost your confidence in the long term and to start the year feeling fantastic!

The best candidate for a facelift is a physically healthy man or woman who is realistic about their expectations, and interested in improving sagging facial skin, jowls, and loose neck skin.



Now onto the lower body lifts! The lower body lift is performed for patients that desire improvement of the thighs and buttocks, and it is more common in patients after excessive weight loss.

Unwanted excess tissue of the inner and outer thighs can be treated by direct excision of loose skin and subcutaneous fat to improve the contour.

Lateral thigh lift and buttock lift are types of body contouring that remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the outer thigh and buttock regions. Artistic and anatomical removal of this tissue can result in an improved appearance and silhouette.

I always like to emphasize that these procedures are not a cure for obesity, and is most appropriate for persons with localized excess skin and fat bulges that are inherited, or remain despite weight reduction and exercise. And unfortunately thigh and buttock lifts are not a cure for cellulite or stretch marks.



Arm Lift will be my last topic of the month. Arm Lift is a technique to remove excess hanging skin from the upper arms usually after substantial weight loss.

I perform arm lift surgery at my practice to remove the excess skin from the upper arms and reduce the circumference of the upper arms.

There are multiple ways to sculpt the arm, including Liposuction, Minimal Access Brachioplasty (axillary scar and liposuction) and Traditional Brachioplasty.

The best candidates for Arm Lift are people with sagging skin of the upper arms. You should be physically healthy, psychologically stable, and realistic in your expectations. Arm Lift will improve your arm contours and remove “Bingo Arms”.

Please remember to subscribe,

kind regards,

Dr Charles Serrurier’s Advice: Plan Your Procedures


This Blog is dedicated to those who are considering procedures and treatments. Many of you may be quite sure of what service you want – but the question is, at what time is it most suitable? Different procedures require different preparations and involve different amounts of recovery ‘down-time’. So I hope that the information below allows you to plan your year with a few key considerations that will make your life much easier – after all, your schedule is meant to work for you…

Plan your year to best suite your recovery
Procedures and treatments are chosen by each patient to when it suites them best. However, correct planning to ensure an easy and safe recovery should be priority and this blog should help do just that.

Early year: Jan – March
The beginning of the year it is a fantastic period to have procedures such as:

Both involve a relatively small period of down-time (usually 1 week) and both produce a younger, fresher, revitalized appearance – a great way to start of the year.

Brow Lines on one’s forehead deepen with age, eventually resulting in a misinterpreted expression of fatigue or hostility. The Brow Lift procedure will eliminate this problem and return your features to a naturally younger you.

Corrective eyelid surgery is popular due to the way natural results rejuvenate a face and remove years from your visible age. Combine that with minimal downtime and you can see why more and more of my patients are opting for this procedure.


Summer season: October – March
Speaking of the Summer Season – guess what the most popular procedure is just prior to the days of sunshine? Okay, so it is not that hard a guess, everyone wants to get ready for the beach, and why not have the body you desire to match that sexy bikini that you have been waiting for…

Breast Augmentation allows one to create the contours and add volume that one has always wanted. Breast augmentation is the most popular procedure in my practice and although recovery is not really an issue, booking a consultation time can be tricky, especially toward the end of the year. So please plan and book early.

Easter Holidays
If you do have a holiday planned within the year, this is often a good time for a Face-Lift, as they do require some recovery time. Easter holidays are normally a busy period for Face Lift and Rhinoplasty surgery. Face-Lifts can truly transform an appearance whilst working with ones natural jaw-line & cheek bones – if you are interested I suggest you have a read on my personal approach to the procedure

All year round treatments
If you are looking for some help staying revitalized through the year then fret not, Yana performs Facials with passion and care.

Facials clean exfoliate and nourishes the skin, promoting: Clear, Well-hydrated complexion, and can and help your skin look younger.

Fortunately, touch-up treatments and maintenance make-overs such as Botox and Fillers can be performed throughout the year because they have virtually no down-time – we can help you with these quick and easy treatments to keep you feeling great no matter what weather or season.

Botox can be used to target wrinkles by smoothing the skin and Dermal Fillers can rejuvenate your skin, correct wrinkles and replace volume – book a consultation to find out which one is suited to your goals.

Winter: May – July
If you are planning on having some Liposuction done or perhaps a Tummy-Tuck procedure it is often advised that you plan it such that your down-time is within the cooler months of the year – this makes it easier to cover the post-operative bandage corsets that will help you recover and also stay in bed to assist with immediate post surgical recovery… some patients have said that it has been great to have a winter were they actually got into better shape rather than gaining weight…

Both Tummy-Tucks and Liposuction  require more down-time than most procedures – so it is best to plan for them earlier rather than later. If you do take proper care of yourself, with my aid and guidance, both procedures can have phenomenal results without any complications.

I hope that this blog will help you decide on when it is best for you to make a booking, but if you would like to know more please do not hesitate to contact us so that you may be happy and comfortable with the schedule that you have set for yourself this year.

Kind regards,

Breast Cancer, Part 1

Breast Cancer


According to the South African National Cancer Registry, one in 29 women in South Africa will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Early detection saves lives and that is why I am continuing the campaign through November.

What is the difference between Normal Cells vs. Cancer Cells?

Normal body cells grow, divide into new cells, and die in an orderly way. In an adult, most cells divide only to replace worn-out or dying cells or to repair injuries.

Cancer cell growth is different from normal cell growth. Instead of dying, cancer cells continue to grow and form new, abnormal cells. Cells become cancerous due to damage to our DNA. This damage may be inherited or occur within ones’ lifetime.

DNA is in every cell and directs all cellular actions. In a normal cell, when DNA gets damaged the cell either repairs the damage or the cell dies. In cancer cells, the damaged DNA is not repaired, but the cell doesn’t die like it should. Instead, this cell goes on making new cells that the body does not need. These new cells will all have the same damaged DNA as the first cell does.

Different types of cancer can behave very differently. For example, lung cancer and breast cancer are very different diseases. They grow at different rates and respond to different treatments. That is why people with cancer need treatment that is aimed at their particular kind of cancer.

The difference between Benign VS Cancerous Tumors

Not all tumors are cancerous. Tumors that aren’t cancer are called benign. Benign tumors can still cause problems – they can grow very large and press on healthy organs and tissues. But they cannot grow into other tissues. Because they can’t invade, they also can’t spread to other parts of the body (metastasize). These tumors are almost never life threatening.

What is the difference between Invasive and Non-Invasive breast cancer?

Invasive breast cancer – the cancer cells break out from inside the lobules or ducts and invade nearby tissue. With this type of cancer, the abnormal cells can reach the lymph nodes, and eventually make their way to other organs (metastasis), such as the bones, liver or lungs.

The abnormal (cancer) cells can travel through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system to other parts of the body; either early on in the disease, or later.

Non-invasive breast cancer – this is when the cancer is still inside its place of origin and has not broken out. Lobular carcinoma in situ is when the cancer is still inside the lobules, while ductal carcinoma in situ is when they are still inside the milk ducts.

“In situ” means “in its original place”. Sometimes, this type of breast cancer is called “pre-cancerous”; this means that although the abnormal cells have not spread outside their place of origin, they can eventually develop into invasive breast cancer.

What are the Breast Reconstruction options?

Remember, I shall be updating the blog with more information throughout the month, you can also find me on Facebook





In my practice, breast augmentation surgery is hugely popular and I always try my best to give my patients great results and utmost satisfaction. With summer on its way, plastic surgeons do see an increase of breast surgery requests but there are many things you need to know and ask before making the final decision.

Before getting on with this month’s newsletter, I need you to know that my patient’s health and safety are my priorities and I always guaranty that silicone, and all the implants I use for all the breasts surgeries, are extremely safe and have undergone extensive research and testing.

I hope you enjoy what follows!

About the implants…


You will see, upon consultation for your breast augmentation surgery that breast implants vary greatly in shape and size. Silicone implants are the most popular as they feel more natural than saline implants. I am not saying that saline implants are hazardous but there have been complaints linked to deflation.

Textured vs. Smooth


Breast implants can be textured or smooth.

Most implants used in my practice are textured because research suggests that this is what gives the best rates of long term complications. It is thought that by choosing textured implants, we lower the chance of scar tissue forming around the implant.

In the past the shell of the smooth implants has been slightly softer; you will feel it less through the skin and tissue but this is no longer the case.

Please don’t be overwhelmed, I will take the time to discuss this with you in details so that you fully understand the procedure and its outcome.

Placement and incision options


During a breast augmentation surgery, there are 3 placement options: behind the muscle, in front of the muscle or half under the muscle and half under the bust. But because each patient is unique and wishes for different results, I will decide what’s best for you upon our one on one consultation.

During your consultation, I will advise you on the implant placement depending on your soft tissue characteristics and cosmetic desires.

With regard to the incisions (and thus, implant insertion sites), there are 3 different options:

. Under the fold of the breast (the infra mammary fold)

. Around the nipple

. Through the armpit

Each has their advantages and disadvantages: I personally prefer the infra-mammary fold or the periareolar but of course I will explain the pros and cons of each incision and answer all your questions before we make the final decision.

What is the recovery like?


The breast augmentation recovery does vary from one patient to another, but I usually advise my patients to take one week off work in order to get a good quality break and allow the breasts to heal nicely.

Expect your breasts to be swollen and tender and to experience some discomfort for a few days after the op.

After 5 or 6 days, the mild bruising will have disappeared but the swelling may remain for 3 to 5 weeks after the surgery.

Full recovery should normally be complete 6 weeks after the breast augmentation surgery.

Light activities can be resumed 2 days after the breast augmentation surgery but you must wait one whole week before resuming regular activities. I always insist that strenuous activities have to be avoided for 4 weeks in order not to impair the healthy recovery.

When it comes to exercise after a breast augmentation, I cannot stress enough how important it is to take it easy as certain movements can damage the operation’s results if done too soon after the surgery.

Remember you can get more information by visiting my Facebook page or website www.drserrurier.co.za



This month is the last of winter and so begins the rush of cosmetic procedures that the year-end brings. Everyone starts to think about the beach and their bodies and start to plan their cosmetic surgeries.

Being that there is such a spike in cosmetic procedures from September to December in the practice, we thought we’d see what procedures were most popular and compare that with international trends.

A fun topic, but also some differences between my rooms, South Africa and the rest of the world.

Interesting thoughts on most popular procedures:

  1. They are mostly breast cosmetic procedures
  2. All of them will add confidence to a personality
  3. There is a 90% – 10% women to man ratio, which is growing



What is the number 1 international procedure?

The 2012 international most popular cosmetic procedure was: Breast Augmentation
This surgery regained top spot after being knocked into 2nd in 2011 – come back tomorrow to find out what was number 1 in 2011.
Silicone implants have only recently been made legal in the USA and this could be a reason for their rise in numbers.  Match that with more competition liposuction results with non-invasive procedures like Coolsculpt and Vela shape and you could see why Liposuction would be down.
Though quicker and easier than liposuction, these non-invasive technologies yield much less dramatic results, so it will be interesting to see how they fare next year.
Internationally Botox is number 1 too skyrocketing from 2,619,739 procedures in 2011 to 3,257,913 procedures in 2012 (recorded stats from the US)

In the UK the stats reveal some interesting differences to Dr Serruriers’ practice, with some obvious similarities.

In the UK, women accounted for 90.5% of all cosmetic procedures in 2012 with a total of 39,070 procedures. The top ones in 2012 were:

  • Breast augmentation – down 1.6% from last year but still the most popular procedure for women
  • Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), up 13% to become the second biggest procedure for women
  • Face/Neck Lifts were third place for the third year running, with 5,324 procedures
  • The number of breast reduction and rhinoplasty procedures for women dropped – down 7% and 11% respectively
  • Fat transfer replaced liposuction as the 7th most popular procedure for women in 2012. Liposuction saw a 14% decrease
  • Brow lifts increased by 17% on last year

Male cosmetic surgery


Gynaecomastea is number the top male surgery, but liposuction and facelift surgery are growing in popularity.

Blepharoplasty is a very popular surgery in men, as many men undergo corrective eyelid surgery as women.

Blepharoplasty can be performed in the rooms as an outpatient procedure and it offers a quick recovery. It is little wonder that has double-digit growth in the practice. 

The total number of surgical procedures worldwide is projected to be 8,536,379 and the number of non-surgical procedures is estimated at 8,759,187  – bringing the combined worldwide total of surgical and non-surgical procedures performed by qualified plastic surgeons to: 17,295,55

Did you know that the most cosmetic procedures are performed in these countries:

  1. The United States
  2. Brazil

Did you know in South Africa 70% of all the cosmetic procedures are performed between September and December?

It makes sense that most cosmetic and aesthetic procedures are performed on women between 25 and 44 (approx. 62%) but another approx. 16% is performed on women between 45 and 54. 



Dr Serruriers cosmetic surgery practice profile actually matches closely with Brazil, their top 7 procedures are:

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breat Reduction
  • Breast Lift
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Facial Fat Transfer
  • Liposuction

This does make sense somewhat given our similar climates and love of the outdoors.

Most, if not all of these cases, also combine with some form of aesthetic medicine.


As an aesthetic treatment Botox is still number 1 in Dr Serruriers’ practice with dermal fillers a close second. They are often done in combination and also win combination with cosmetic surgery.

Men have a growing interest in cosmetic surgery with growth in Dr Serruriers practice throughout the surgical indications:

Breast reduction surgery at Dr Charles Serruriers’ rooms have not dropped as they did in the UK and Dr Serruriers rooms did not buck the liposuction trend as did the UK, as it is listed as a most popular combination treatment.

In many cases Dr Serrurier combines cosmetic procedures with Liposuction to maximise theatre time and results. For marginally more your results can be exponentially better – but this needs to be discussed with him during the consultation process.


Blepharoplasty is the highest gainer of all of Dr Serruriers cosmetic procedures.
Cosmetic eyelid surgery:

  1. Brightens the face,
  2. Removes that tired looks
  3. Takes years from your visible age

Although the majority of Dr Serrurier’s patients are women, it is exciting to note that there is a large range of ages represented through the practice.

I hope that you enjoyed this newsletter, remember to phone my rooms on 011 875 1630 if you wish to book an appointment of would like to know more about the procedures I perform at my Fourways practice. Also, remember to follow my Facebook page to stay up to date with my monthly info!

Finally, make sure to visit my website for more info on the procedures and treatments I offer www.drserrurier.co.za



This month in my newsletter I will be talking about the surgeries available to mothers at my practice that are designed to counteract the physical effects of childbearing and to enhance your appearance after time has left its mark.

Of course, if you are interested and would like to book an appointment with me to find out more about breast lift or any other procedure, feel free to phone on 011 875 1630

And for more info on all the procedures I perform visit my website: www.drserrurier.co.za

mummy makeover

Looking great after child birth

There are many options for you whether you would like me to work on your breast, perform a tummy tuck or a liposuction. I still would like you to be close to your ideal body weight and also suggest that you should have completed your family before undergoing any “mummy makeover.”

As a new mum, seeing your body changing and looking different after childbirth can be somewhat traumatic. Some women bounce back beautifully but they are the lucky few. I am here to make you feel like yourself again and most importantly to make you feel happy and comfortable with your body.

Through the mummy makeover you can choose to undergo as many or as few procedures as you want and these procedures available to you are customized to match your wishes and specific condition. I also want you to keep in mind that these procedures are not necessarily invasive surgeries: They can simply be cosmetic improvements, like skin rejuvenation using fillers or Botox.

Sometimes it can be the smallest change that makes all the difference and simply a little Botox can make you feel top of the world

Breasts and post-pregnancy…

The loss of volume gained during pregnancy will cause the breasts to appear somewhat empty.
We can correct this easily with Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation procedures.

Breast augmentation is a great way for me to re-create lost volume via the insertion of a very natural looking implant. Breast augmentation is performed to increase the size and fullness of the breast.

Breast Lift will improve the droopiness as well as the position of the nipple.

Through breast lift surgery – I can tighten the skin, improve the shape and firmness of your breasts and restore their proper position on the chest.

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure that minimizes a woman’s breast size by removing fat, tissue, and excess skin. Breast reduction will reduce the extra breast mass and create mode elegant but also more comfortable breasts, giving your upper body more balance.

Liposuction and tummy-tuck

Another common surgery after childbirth is the tummy tuck. The tummy is the area of the body that undergoes the most transformation during pregnancy as it expands to allow more space for the growing womb.

Undergoing a C-section will usually impair the muscles of the abdominal wall. This means your tummy will battle to get tight again and bounce back to what it looked like before your pregnancy.

An abdominoplasty can be very effective in reducing the bulge caused by excess skin and fat, and loose abdominal muscles. The result is a flatter, firmer and shapelier abdomen.

Liposuction is a procedure that can be done to better contour diet resistant localized fatty deposits, but only provided the skin tone is good (no stretch marks) and the muscle tone is good.

During pregnancy your body stores fat and changes shape to accommodate the foetus and this shape can be hard to lose post childbirth.

The great thing about liposuction is that it can target many different areas such as:  inner thighs, outer thighs, love handles, arms, buttocks and much more.

Remember to follow me on Facebook and “Like” my Facebook page. This is where I will post daily updates about all the treatments and procedures I offer at my Fourways rooms.

Dr Charles Serrurier

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

Suite A9,

Life Fourways Hospital

Cedar Road & Cedar Avenue West
TEL: 011 875 1630
FAX: 011 875 1631

WEBSITE – http://www.drserrurier.co.za
FACEBOOK – Dr Charles Serrurier
BLOG – drcharlesserrurier.wordpress.com


In my practice, breast augmentation surgery is hugely popular and I always try my best to give my patients great results and utmost satisfaction.

With spring coming, plastic surgeons do see an increase of breast surgery requests but there are many things you need to know and ask before making the final decision.

Before getting on with this month’s newsletter, I need you to know that my patient’s health and safety are my priorities and I always guaranty that silicone, and all the implants I use for all the breasts surgeries, are extremely safe and have undergone extensive research and testing.

I hope you enjoy what follows!

About the implants…

You will see, upon consultation for your breast augmentation surgery that breast implants vary greatly in shape and size.
Silicone implants are the most popular as they feel more natural than saline implants. I am not saying that saline implants are hazardous but there have been complaints linked to deflation.

Textured vs. Smooth

Breast implants can be textured or smooth.Most implants used in my practice are textured because research suggests that this is what gives the best rates of long term complications. It is thought that by choosing textured implants, we lower the chance of scar tissue forming around the implant.

In the past the shell of the smooth implants has been slightly softer; you will feel it less through the skin and tissue but this is no longer the case.

Please don’t be overwhelmed, I will take the time to discuss this with you in details so that you fully understand the procedure and its outcome.

Is silicone safe?

It has been scientifically proven as one of the biggest clinical studies that silicone gel implants carry no increased risk of breast cancer, autoimmune diseases and risks when breast feeding.

Placement Options

During a breast augmentation surgery, there are two placement options: behind or in front of the muscle. But because each patient is unique and wishes for different results, I will decide what’s best for you upon our one on one consultation.

If I decide to place the implant in front of the muscle, it will result in a more mobile breast with more fullness in its upper pole.

But if we go for behind the muscle, it will create a smoother transition from the chest onto the upper pole of the breast and thus a more natural overall profile.

Incision Options

With regard to the incisions (and thus, implant insertion sites), there are 3 different options:

  • Under the fold of the breast (the infra mammary fold)
  • Around the nipple
  • Through the armpit

Each has their advantages and disadvantages:  I personally prefer the infra-mammary fold or the periareolar but of course I will explain the pros and cons of each incision and answer all your questions before we make the final decision.

What is the recovery like?

The breast augmentation recovery does vary from one patient to another, but I usually advise my patients to take one week off work in order to get a good quality break and allow the breasts to heal nicely.

Expect your breasts to be swollen and tender and to experience some discomfort for a few days after the op.

After 5 or 6 days, the mild bruising will have disappeared but the swelling may remain for 3 to 5 weeks after the surgery.

Full recovery should normally be complete 6 weeks after the breast augmentation surgery.

Light activities can be resumed 2 days after the breast augmentation surgery but you must wait one whole week before resuming regular activities. I always insist that strenuous activities have to be avoided for 4 weeks in order not to impair the healthy recovery.

When it comes to exercise after a breast augmentation, I cannot stress enough how important it is to take it easy as certain movements can damage the operation’s results if done too soon after the surgery.

Remember you can get more information by visiting my facebook page or website. And of course this newsletter will be loaded on my blog.

Know your Breast Implants – Dr Charles Serrurier

There has been so much said about PIP breast Implants in the media, and it has caused a stir amongst doctors and patients alike. I will give my two cents worth on the whole escapade, but this quick blog is more about secondary issues that I have noticed evolving – that being patients are not aware of what implants they have inserted, or even what size they are.

To start, let me give some local information regarding PIP implants. In South Africa we have been lucky – yes, PIP implants were represented here but not many were used – yes, some were used but the problem is not as extensive as in Europe. The PIP manufacturing facility has been closed for a few years now and this matter has been dealt with within the local fraternity.

That said many patients have been phoning their doctors asking what implants they have had inserted. It is imperative to remember what implant you have had inserted and what size your implants are, there are many reasons for this:

  • You may want to increase your implant size at a later date
  • You may not visit the same surgeon should there be a complication
  • There might be a complication that requires explanation and new implants to be inserted
  • You may leave the country or your surgeon may leave the country

In all the instances above your breast implant information is important, especially as most implant manufacturers offer warranties on their products and you could get the implants replaced for free. In the event of needing to reinsert implants, knowing what size implants you currently have is critical to making the best surgical decisions.

Your plastic surgeon will always have a record of your implants, and you should always be given some form of warranty card including your implant stickers. These stickers show manufacturer, implant type, implant size and in many cases a unique bar-coded serial numbers for unique identification.

It is you responsibility to keep those stickers and records safe – you never know when you might need them?

Sometimes issues like the PIP debacle can bring some good. I hope that this issue brings more patient understanding into their implant choice and the warranties that go along with them.

I hope this helps your thinking?

Dr Charles Serrurier

Dr Charles Serrurier February 2012 Newsletter

The Milan Congress

Well, the year has started with a bang. For me last year ended with a bang too and I’m grateful to have attended the Milan Breast Reconstruction Congress in December 2011 to use a few new techniques in the coming year.

The most interesting part of from the congress was the advancements in two areas I am deeply passionate about. First, fat transfer techniques and secondly, stem cell rejuvenation.

I will discuss my thoughts on both in this newsletter and hopefully we will start implementing these techniques in breast reconstruction and other cosmetic surgeries too.

I hope you enjoy.

Dr Charles Serrurier

Fat Transfer and Breast Reconstruction

Fat Transfer is a double bonus procedure for the patient. It is, in essence, the removal of fat from one part of the body and implanting it into another part. You get a liposuctoin and a safe tissue transfer to where your body needs it.

What does this actually mean?

“It won’t be long before we see a Stem Cell Facelift operation in South Africa”

In the past Fat Transfer has always been a useful technique to correct defects to the breast followng mastectomy and reconstruction. But this advancement in Fat TransferTechnique will allow surgeons to reconstruct a breast using nothing but autologous fat transfer ie your own tissue. This option immediately elimantes the need for breast implants or muscle donor sites used in traditional breast reconstruction

The negatives?

Well to be honest there arent many negatives to undergoing autologous fat transfer should the result last.

That said, fat is rather weak in terms of survival rate and there needs to be sufficient blood-flow and tissue to help it survive. The advancements I mentioned are all in the field of fat transfer survival – and the current results are good.

To achieve a good fat “take” as we call it is dependent on two things:

1st Fat transfer technique

2nd Good patient compliance

The bonus?

There is one final magnificent bonus when dealing with a fat transfer – that is STEM CELLS. Fat is a prime carrier of stems cells. Stem cell research is ongoing but most literature points to skin rejuvenation in conjunction with fat transfers.

 This means by injecting fat, rich in stem cells your tissue will rejuvenate – meaning, diminished scarring and younger looking skin. This is especially exciting to breast reconstruction patients who suffer with bad scarring and healing due to numerous surgeries and radiation treatments.

Fat Transfer in the Face

Surgeons have been performing fat transfers to the face for years – it is widely accepted as a permanent replacement for dermal fillers or tissue for facial reconstruction.


The stem cell facelift is the rejuvenation of the face by injecting carefully prepared stem cells and using their unique regeneration ability to mimic the surgical facelift.

Harvesting the fat

Special techniques are used to harvest one’s own fat and prepare the stem cells for re-injection. This preparation does take time but greatly increases the effectiveness of the fat graft “take”. Special cannulas are used in the harvest and the fat is then spun vigorously to separate the stem cells from the waste. This ensures rich stem cell re-implantation.


There will be a need to prep both the donor site and the injection site with growth factors to again promote a better take.


The results are similar to a facelift; but without the need for major surgery.


Stem cells are found in various parts of the body, brain, bone-marrow, blood and fat etc – in adults they remain in a non-dividing state, dormant until they are required.

Adult stem cells can renew indefinitely enabling them to generate a range of cell types from the originating organ or even regenerate the entire original organ

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
MBBCH (Wits), FCS Plast. Surg (CMSA)
PR. N0. 0304131                                             

Suite A9,
Life Fourways Hospital

Cedar Road & Cedar Avenue West
TEL: 011 875 1630
FAX: 011 875 1631

FACEBOOK – Dr Charles Serrurier
BLOG – drcharlesserrurier.wordpress.com