Looking Good after Weight Loss



Losing weight through bariatric surgery is an incredible accomplishment that requires steadfast commitment. In addition to all the health benefits of being lighter and leaner, it’s nice to walk around with a smaller and lighter physique.

The only downfall, for some, is bothersome excess skin that droops and sags off the body after surgery, such that you feel better but look worse. Indeed, patients who have undergone bariatric surgery and the subsequent significant weight loss have numerous but similar areas of concern. These areas usually include:

  • Breast ptosis, or droopiness, as well as a loss of breast volume
  • Sagging of the facial skin
  • Excess abdominal skin and a laxity of the muscles of the abdominal wall
  • Hanging skin under the arm
  • Wrinkling and excessive bagginess of the thighs

I offer several types of cosmetic procedures to treat this problem and this is what I will be talking about this month!



The best candidates for post-bariatric body contouring are people who have lost a large amount of weight, typically 55 kilograms or more, through bariatric surgery or another approach to weight loss.

Post-bariatric surgery is one of the most complex and invasive procedures your plastic surgeon can perform, so patients need to be healthy enough to withstand the rigors of major surgery and an extended recovery period.

Additionally, post-bariatric surgery is not primarily a weight loss procedure. Patients do typically lose some weight as skin, tissue, and minor fat deposits are removed. However, good candidates have already lost most of their excess body fat with the exception of a few localized deposits.

It’s strongly recommended that post-bariatric patients wait about a year after weight loss surgery to have cosmetic surgery. This gives the body enough time to lose the excess weight and stabilize.

Post-bariatric body contouring candidates should be in good physical and psychological health and have reasonable expectations. These are contouring procedures — not meant to take off extra pounds, but rather to help mold the skin so that it “fits” the new curves more tightly.



→Body lift is the most comprehensive procedure for post-bariatric surgery patients. Body lifts improves the appearance of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Body lifts can target the upper and/or lower body (when combined together, the procedure is referred to as a “total body lift”).

The lower body lift incision extends around the belt area, through which excess skin above the buttocks and outer thighs is removed and the remaining skin pulled tighter.

The upper body lift involves a bra-line excision and the removal of excess fat and skin from the back and waist. Tummy tucks may be incorporated in a patient’s treatment plan to tighten the abdominal muscles and remove excess skin and tissue.

→Liposuction – Liposuction is frequently employed in conjunction with various skin removal procedures to target localized deposits of residual fat that have not responded to diet and exercise.

In most cases, I can perform the treatment through the incisions required for other procedures.

→Tummy Tuck – The abdomen is usually one of the main areas where excess fat collects on the body. After weight loss, considerable excess skin may remain here.

A tummy tuck trims away this excess skin along with any residual fat deposits. For patients with more far-reaching needs, extended tummy tuck is also available.

→Arm lift (brachioplasty) targets the upper arms which can often look flabby even after massive weight loss. The flab is actually extra skin that hangs from the upper arms and is often described as “bat wings.”

The arm lift incisions are usually made in the armpit and on the inside of the arm from the elbow extending to the armpit, and hidden in the natural shadow of the bicep muscle or on the upper arm. Excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is pulled tight and sutured together.


→Thigh lift. After weight loss, hanging skin is often left on the inner and outer thighs. This skin may rub together, causing irritation or limiting a person’s choice of clothing. With thigh lift surgery, I can remove excess fat and skin using incisions concealed discreetly on the upper and inner thighs.

The incision is made where the thigh meets the groin area, and if necessary, an additional incision is made extending from the groin to the knee.


→Thighplasty is helpful to a number of massive weight loss patients, as the thigh deflates with weight loss, creating excess skin in the horizontal and vertical dimensions. In order to remove this excess and re-contour the thigh into a smaller and shapelier appearance, a vertical excision of skin and soft tissue along the medial thigh is required in addition to the standard groin crease incision. This method allows the skin to be tightened circumferentially around the thigh.


→Breast lift repositions saggy breasts higher on the chest. An incision is made, usually around the areola, extending down the breast to the breast crease and horizontally along the inframammary fold.

Excess skin is excised and the remaining skin is pulled taut around the breast mound and sutured into place. The nipple may be repositioned higher on the chest while it remains attached to the underlying blood vessels.

For patients who have lost more breast volume than they wanted, breast augmentation is also an option.


The buttocks are another common problem area after significant weight loss and buttock enhancement will improve the appearance of a flat or saggy behind. Excess skin is removed and one of two options may be employed. First, implants may be placed to augment the butt and make it look perkier.

The other option is a Brazilian butt lift, in which the area around the buttocks is liposuctioned to make them look smaller, and the liposuctioned fat is purified and re-injected into the upper buttocks, giving it a lifted effect.


Combining several procedures in a single surgery

All of the post-bariatric concerns I’ve spoken about cannot be addressed simultaneously during one operation. However, two procedures usually can be safely combined. During your consultation, I will assess your anatomy as well as your own priorities to help you develop a comprehensive plan for your body contouring.

For instance, it is not uncommon for me to combine a tummy tuck with a breast lift (with or without the addition of breast implants), or a thigh lift with an arm lift, as well as other possible combinations of procedures.

Combining the procedures consolidates recovery into a more manageable timeframe. Most patients and plastic surgeons also agree that this approach produces much better, more natural-looking cosmetic results.


How long is the recovery-period after body contouring surgeries?

Typically, body contouring procedures require at least three months for the overall cosmetic results to be fully apparent. This allows enough time for all residual swelling to resolve and for soft issue to soften. Scars usually require 12 months to go through the remodelling process, and, because body contouring procedures require significant incisions, they often are apparent during this time period.

Because post-bariatric surgery is such a highly involved procedure, you should be prepared for an extended period of rest and recovery. Recovery time varies widely depending on the extent of the procedure, but in general you should be prepared to take multiple weeks away from work, and often full recovery may take several months.


How long do the results of body contouring last?

The major factor that affects the longevity of results in post-bariatric body contouring is weight fluctuations. This is the main reason that these procedures are delayed until a patient’s weight is stable for a minimum of 12 months. If patients are able to maintain their weight, long-lasting results can be achieved.

The main issues in this patient population are related to scar migration and soft tissue laxity leading to contour deformities. These are the result of the altered skin/soft tissue characteristics related to the previous obesity

If you are interested in any of the procedures mentioned whether in the context of post-bariatric surgery or not, you must feel free to phone my Fourways rooms on 011 875 1630 and book an appointment!

You can find more information on my website, facebook page and twitter feed.





This month in my newsletter, I will be talking about problems and solutions. I often see patients who are bothered by a certain aspect of their body and either do not know what to resort to or choose the wrong procedure. I am here to help you decide on the best option and make the best out of your surgery.

If there is anything else you would like to know or something in particular that you would like me to explain, phone my rooms on 011 875 1630 or simply leave a comment on my Facebook page and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Lastly, make sure to visit my website for more info on all the procedures I offer at my Fourways practice!



  • You have saggy breasts
  • You desire more cleavage
  • There is a significant difference between one breast and the other
  • You are self-conscious about breasts
  • You feel that larger more perky breasts would make you feel more attractive and improve your self-confidence
  • You have a hard time finding clothes that fit because of discrepancy between your breasts and your buttocks

Solution: Breast Lift!
Based on your answers to the last post, you may or may not also require a breast augmentation at the same time.

After breast lift surgery, you will notice that your breasts are firmer and higher. This will help to improve your confidence and self-esteem. Many patients are happy with the results and report that they feel younger looking and more ‘feminine’.

My Breast Lift page is full of informative resources

Why would I need to combine Breast Lift surgery with Breast augmentation?

Breast lift does not increase the size of your breasts although they may appear larger due to the fact that they are higher and firmer looking. The exception to this is if you have combined this procedure with breast augmentation surgery to enhance volume.


  • Your breasts are causing you severe psychological distress, are affecting your physical health or your ability to do exercise.
  • You are experiencing backache, neck and shoulder ache.
  • Your clothes don’t fit properly
  • You do not like the way your breasts affect your overall appearance: large breasts can make you look unbalanced and have a big impact upon your appearance in general. Your breasts are out of proportion with the rest of your body. You feel that you are ‘top heavy’ and this can affect your self-confidence.
  • You do not like being subject to inappropriate comments or attentions from the opposite sex.

Solution: Breast Reduction!

The main benefits are smaller, lighter and firmer breasts. They will be in proportion to the rest of your body. This also means no more physical discomfort such as backache or neck ache. The areola (the brown circular area round the nipple) can also be made smaller and better proportioned as well.

For Breast Reduction at my practice, click here

Breast reduction results in one of the most dramatic changes to physical appearance.

  • Your clothes will fit better;
  • You will no longer have physical discomfort
  • Or have to endure unwanted comments about the size of your breasts. This is usually a particular issue for teenage girls.


  • You consider your breasts to be too small and would like to increase their size.
  • You feel less than feminine as a result of having small breasts.
  • Your breasts lost firmness, shape and volume after pregnancy
  • Your one breast is smaller/bigger than the other
  • You feel bigger, firmer breasts will give you a more youthful appearance

Solution: Breast Augmentation!

This highly requested surgery will have you feeling happier with your appearance, and will improve self-confidence and well-being. Breast Augmentation is the most requested surgery in my practice and in most cases women are looking for increased size with upper pole fullness.

Visit my breast augmentation page for more info!

The decision to undergo breast augmentation is a highly personal one and all that matters are how you feel about the results. If the results match your expectations then it has been a success.

It can give you a younger looking appearance but it is not a ‘fountain of youth’! As with any form of cosmetic surgery you need to have realistic expectations about what it can do.



  • You are bothered by excess fat deposits – located anywhere on your body – that don’t respond to diet or exercise.
  • You feel your body is disproportionate (but not necessarily overweight)

Solution: Liposuction and Liposculpture!

The results after liposuction surgery are instantly noticeable. You will have a firmer and more contoured appearance, which will improve your sense of well-being. The effects of liposuction are permanent, which means if you do increase your body fat, then it will NOT return to those areas you had treated.

Liposuction in more detail? Head over to my website!

Liposuction is especially beneficial to those patients who have undergone weight loss surgery. It can remove those last remaining pockets of fat. This will dramatically improve your appearance.

Liposuction can also be combined with other procedures such as abdominoplasty.

However I need to insist on the fact that Liposuction is not a solution to the problem of obesity or weight loss in general.  Also, it is not an effective treatment for cellulite.


  • You have recently had a baby and wish to tighten loose skin that has stretched as a result of your pregnancy.
  • You have increased amounts of skin laxity or looseness from the belly button down to the pubic region
  • You have excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and are looking to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall to flatten your abdomen

Solution: Tummy Tuck!

During this surgery, I remove excess skin and fat from the waist, which cannot be shifted by diet and exercise alone.

There are three types of abdominoplasty:

  • Complete abdominoplasty
  • Partial or ‘mini’ abdominoplasty
  • Extended abdominoplasty

But don’t worry; together we will discuss which one is best for your needs and characteristics.

Tummy tuck results are impressive: You will have a firmer, toned and flatter abdomen. If you had some lower abdominal bulge as a result of pregnancy then this will also be corrected. This also includes stretch marks! Your waist will appear slimmer and this tighter, youthful abdomen will boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Would you like to find out more about Tummy Tuck at my practice?


  • You do not like the way their nose looks and have been troubled by one or more of its features?
  • You are concerned about the following?
  • Damage to your nose caused by an accident or injury
  • Congenital defect
  • A nose that is too small or too large
  • Excessively flared nostrils
  • An enlarged, drooping or thickened nasal tip
  • Crooked or off-centre nose

Solution: Rhinoplasty!

Rhinoplasty is performed for a variety of reasons which can include increasing or reducing the size of the nose; changing the nasal tip or the bridge, removing any unsightly humps or bumps and making the nose straighter or narrower.

The nasal tip itself can be rotated upwards or downwards, projected forwards or backwards or enlarged or decreased in size. The cartilage, bones and sometimes the soft tissues of the nose are reshaped.

After your rhinoplasty, your nose will be more natural looking and will complement your appearance. Whether larger, smaller or reshaped, you will look and feel better.

The vast majority of my patients are happy with the results of rhinoplasty.

If you would like to read more about this procedure, make sure to visit my website.

I hope you enjoyed this newsletter about various problems some of my patients encounter and the solutions I offer at my Fourways practice. Of course, I spoke about a few surgeries only so make sure to phone my rooms on 011 875 1630 if you would like to book an appointment or simply make an inquiry, we are here to help you!

You can also find me on Facebook and on Twitter.

Dr Charles Serrurier’s February Body Lifts



This month, my newsletter is all about the lifts! As the year begins, it’s not always only our spirits that need to be lifted! And this is what I can help you with! At my practice, I offer many lifting options, whether it’s facial or body surgeries.

You will read about Breast Lift, Brow Lift, Face Lift, Arm Lift and Thigh and Buttocks Lift.

Of course, all the info will be concise so make sure to visit my website for more in depth explanations

Lastly, if there is anything else you would like to know or something in particular that you would like me to explain, phone my rooms on 011 875 1630or simply leave a comment on my Facebook page and I will get back to you as soon as I can.



With age, pregnancy and breast feeding and fluctuation in weight, the ligaments and skin envelope which maintain the youthful shape of the breasts, stretch and elongate causing an unpleasant drooping of the breast on the chest wall.

This phenomenon is called ptosis and this is what the Breast Lift will correct.

How does breast lift surgery correct ptosis?
In order to reverse this drooping, I tighten the breast skin and reshape the breast tissue, which in turn will provide a more youthful shape with an improved nipple position. Also, did you know that I could reduce the diameter of your areola if you wish?

Breast Lift and Augmentation is a very common combination procedure!
If fullness and volume are important to you, an implant can be inserted during the breast lift to enhance size or firmness. This is a combination procedure called a Mastopexy Augmentation or Breast lift with additional implants.

Post-operative treatments too, can help reduce the visible scars quickly and effectively. I will discuss your initial reasons for wanting a breast lift and all the options available to you, and thereafter, will take care to ensure that you are satisfied with your new breast shape and scar treatment.



Over time, frequent facial movements related to facial expressions can lead to a variety of lines and wrinkles in the skin. This is particularly true in the brow area where frown lines and forehead furrows may develop above the nose and across the middle of the forehead.

The brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure, which can eliminate lines and furrows in the brow and forehead area. At the same time, the eyebrows may be restored to a more elevated and youthful position and excess skin of the upper eyelids can be eliminated.

The result after a brow lift is a smoother forehead, lifted eyebrows, and an overall more youthful and refreshed appearance to the brow area.

Brow Lift surgery can improve a tired, angry or sad appearance that is often associated with an aged forehead. Specifically, the brow lift can correct the following:

  • Frown lines
  • Forehead furrows
  • Forehead creases
  • Drooping eyebrows
  • Hooding over the eyes

The best candidates for a brow lift are looking to improve aging in the brow and forehead area, are in generally good health, and have realistic expectations.

Other complimentary treatments including Botox®, Fillers and Restylane® Vital. These non-surgical options are available as non-permanent solutions to the position of your brow & forehead lines.



At my practice, Facelifts are nearly as popular as Breast Augmentations, and I often combine Facelift surgery with other procedures.

Can’t I have Botox and fillers instead of a Facelift?
Although signs of aging eventually appear in all areas of the face, for many people the mid to lower face and neck tend to fare the worst. As skin and tissue lose elasticity, gravity begins to pull them downward.

This is the single most common reason for Facelift Surgery. These areas unfortunately cannot be treated appropriately with Botox and Fillers.

Having a surgical facelift will tighten and reposition sagging skin, wrinkled skin, and loose muscles to leave you looking younger and refreshed. The perfect procedure to boost your confidence in the long term and to start the year feeling fantastic!

The best candidate for a facelift is a physically healthy man or woman who is realistic about their expectations, and interested in improving sagging facial skin, jowls, and loose neck skin.



Now onto the lower body lifts! The lower body lift is performed for patients that desire improvement of the thighs and buttocks, and it is more common in patients after excessive weight loss.

Unwanted excess tissue of the inner and outer thighs can be treated by direct excision of loose skin and subcutaneous fat to improve the contour.

Lateral thigh lift and buttock lift are types of body contouring that remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the outer thigh and buttock regions. Artistic and anatomical removal of this tissue can result in an improved appearance and silhouette.

I always like to emphasize that these procedures are not a cure for obesity, and is most appropriate for persons with localized excess skin and fat bulges that are inherited, or remain despite weight reduction and exercise. And unfortunately thigh and buttock lifts are not a cure for cellulite or stretch marks.



Arm Lift will be my last topic of the month. Arm Lift is a technique to remove excess hanging skin from the upper arms usually after substantial weight loss.

I perform arm lift surgery at my practice to remove the excess skin from the upper arms and reduce the circumference of the upper arms.

There are multiple ways to sculpt the arm, including Liposuction, Minimal Access Brachioplasty (axillary scar and liposuction) and Traditional Brachioplasty.

The best candidates for Arm Lift are people with sagging skin of the upper arms. You should be physically healthy, psychologically stable, and realistic in your expectations. Arm Lift will improve your arm contours and remove “Bingo Arms”.

Please remember to subscribe,

kind regards,

Dr Charles Serrurier’s Advice: Plan Your Procedures


This Blog is dedicated to those who are considering procedures and treatments. Many of you may be quite sure of what service you want – but the question is, at what time is it most suitable? Different procedures require different preparations and involve different amounts of recovery ‘down-time’. So I hope that the information below allows you to plan your year with a few key considerations that will make your life much easier – after all, your schedule is meant to work for you…

Plan your year to best suite your recovery
Procedures and treatments are chosen by each patient to when it suites them best. However, correct planning to ensure an easy and safe recovery should be priority and this blog should help do just that.

Early year: Jan – March
The beginning of the year it is a fantastic period to have procedures such as:

Both involve a relatively small period of down-time (usually 1 week) and both produce a younger, fresher, revitalized appearance – a great way to start of the year.

Brow Lines on one’s forehead deepen with age, eventually resulting in a misinterpreted expression of fatigue or hostility. The Brow Lift procedure will eliminate this problem and return your features to a naturally younger you.

Corrective eyelid surgery is popular due to the way natural results rejuvenate a face and remove years from your visible age. Combine that with minimal downtime and you can see why more and more of my patients are opting for this procedure.


Summer season: October – March
Speaking of the Summer Season – guess what the most popular procedure is just prior to the days of sunshine? Okay, so it is not that hard a guess, everyone wants to get ready for the beach, and why not have the body you desire to match that sexy bikini that you have been waiting for…

Breast Augmentation allows one to create the contours and add volume that one has always wanted. Breast augmentation is the most popular procedure in my practice and although recovery is not really an issue, booking a consultation time can be tricky, especially toward the end of the year. So please plan and book early.

Easter Holidays
If you do have a holiday planned within the year, this is often a good time for a Face-Lift, as they do require some recovery time. Easter holidays are normally a busy period for Face Lift and Rhinoplasty surgery. Face-Lifts can truly transform an appearance whilst working with ones natural jaw-line & cheek bones – if you are interested I suggest you have a read on my personal approach to the procedure

All year round treatments
If you are looking for some help staying revitalized through the year then fret not, Yana performs Facials with passion and care.

Facials clean exfoliate and nourishes the skin, promoting: Clear, Well-hydrated complexion, and can and help your skin look younger.

Fortunately, touch-up treatments and maintenance make-overs such as Botox and Fillers can be performed throughout the year because they have virtually no down-time – we can help you with these quick and easy treatments to keep you feeling great no matter what weather or season.

Botox can be used to target wrinkles by smoothing the skin and Dermal Fillers can rejuvenate your skin, correct wrinkles and replace volume – book a consultation to find out which one is suited to your goals.

Winter: May – July
If you are planning on having some Liposuction done or perhaps a Tummy-Tuck procedure it is often advised that you plan it such that your down-time is within the cooler months of the year – this makes it easier to cover the post-operative bandage corsets that will help you recover and also stay in bed to assist with immediate post surgical recovery… some patients have said that it has been great to have a winter were they actually got into better shape rather than gaining weight…

Both Tummy-Tucks and Liposuction  require more down-time than most procedures – so it is best to plan for them earlier rather than later. If you do take proper care of yourself, with my aid and guidance, both procedures can have phenomenal results without any complications.

I hope that this blog will help you decide on when it is best for you to make a booking, but if you would like to know more please do not hesitate to contact us so that you may be happy and comfortable with the schedule that you have set for yourself this year.

Kind regards,

Dr Charles Serrurier’s December Refresh & Redefine

Refresh & Redefine


This month’s blog will touch on a number of procedures, please feel free to post your comments and ask questions.


A facial is one of the best ways to take care of your skin – it cleans exfoliate and nourishes the skin, promoting:

•Well-hydrated complexion, and can
•Help your skin look younger

Facial Rejuvenation

I have many patients that do not want to undergo surgery, instead, they chose to have Dermal Filler treatments to keep them looking young and refreshed with beautiful skin to reverse visible signs of ageing.

I only use gold standard Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers in my practice. They offer the safest treatment plan, predictable results and are quick to perform – which means you can be back to your schedule in not time.

Dermal fillers give us options to:

– Rejuvenate your skin,
– Correct wrinkles and
– Replace volume

Are Dermal Fillers the same as Botox?

Dermal Filler treatments are the treatments for filling wrinkles from the inside out or treatments like plumping lips. Whereas, Botox is a toxin used to temporarily paralyze over used muscles or animated parts of the face – these constantly moving muscles create folds in the skin that turn into wrinkles.

Facial Surgery

Our Faces are the primary area of visual focus when interacting with one another, they are also made up of many different elements. Luckily, medical science has specialized, allowing you to target areas of improvement.

I offer:

  • Corrective Eye Surgery,
  • Mini & Full Face Lifts,
  • Cosmetic Nose Surgery and
  • Brow Lifts


The Body, Your Body, Make it match your Style

Unfortunately, we are not all blessed with fast metabolisms and no matter how much we diet and exercise we just can’t seem to reach our Body Type Goals, often these problem areas are further aggravated by the skin losing it’s elasticity over time. With these elements in mind, the following procedures were formulated:


Liposuction surgery may be considered to treat areas of excess fat in the stomach, buttocks, hips, love handles, saddlebags, thighs, calves, ankles, breasts (including male breasts), back, arms and neck.

Liposuction is equally effective in both men and women. For more information please see:


Abdominoplasty is an option in cases where excess fat, skin and sagging muscles have not been improved by diet and exercise. By this I mean you need to be close to your ideal body weight for a tummy tuck to be truly effective.

Did you know that if you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck, additional combination surgeries such as liposuction also might be a great way for you to get more out of your surgery? For more information please see:

Breast Surgery

Different bodies are suited to different kinds of treatments, I offer the following treatments:

Body Lifts: 

Buttock Lift

Its main purpose is to improve and/or remove excess, sagging buttock and thigh skin that has developed as a result of weight loss, aging and gravity, or genetics. The results of buttock lift surgery are visible almost immediately, but it may take several months for your final results to fully develop. A buttock lift does not add volume or shape to your existing buttocks, but it can give it a sleeker, more toned appearance.

Arm Lift

This is an increasingly popular procedure in both men and women, for those self-conscious about “bingo arms”. The purpose of the Arm Lift is to remove the excess skin from the upper arms and in certain cases reduce the circumference of the upper arms.

After their Brachioplasty, patients usually report:

  • A more youthful appearance and thinner contour to the arms.
  • Reduction of flabbiness, extra skin and fat, in the upper inner arms.
  • Greater confidence and comfort in clothing
  • Long-lasting results.

Thigh Lift? Yes we can help with that too.

A thigh lift reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin, and in some cases fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body. During your thigh lift, the underlying tissue matrix will be reshaped and tightened, and skin will be reduced and re-draped. This is how we get results to offer you a more proportionate and smoother body contour.

The tighter contouring resulting from a thigh lift is apparent almost immediately, although initially obscured by some swelling and bruising which is completely normal post-procedure.


Thank you so much for your support throughout the year, I hope to see you in the new year.

Kind regards,

Dr Charles Serrurier

Breast Cancer, Part 5

Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Breast Reconstruction is always performed under general anesthesia and in most cases is covered by medical aid.

Implant breast reconstruction is a more simple operation than flap breast reconstruction, with a slightly shorter recovery time than other types of reconstruction.

  • It leaves less scarring on the breast and no scars elsewhere on your body.
  • It can give a good appearance, particularly for women with small breasts or women having both breasts reconstructed.
  • No operating on healthy tissue or extra scars
  • No missing tissue missing elsewhere in the body

Unfortunately not everyone is eligible for implant reconstruction. We will have to discuss what is best for you for not only immediate recovery but also long-term satisfaction. What would you choose?

Remember to get yourself checked regularly, there is additional information and you can stay in touch with me via Facebook @DrCharlesSerrurier

Breast Cancer, Part 4

Breast Cancer Diagnosis

If you are diagnosed with Breast Cancer, there are numerous types of treatments that, depending on your case will be available to you. I will discuss all your options during the consultation process.
It is also important to know that there are numerous chat rooms and support groups of Breast Cancer patients to help you work through your treatment and recovery.

There is help, there is support, and you are not alone. Reach out.

Breast Cancer Surgery removes unhealthy tissue and may cause asymmetry. This surgery is performed by a breast surgeon. Plastic surgery for breast reconstruction will repair and restore, as close as possible, the natural appearance and symmetry of the breast, replacing skin, breast tissue, and the nipple which may have been removed during a mastectomy.

The amount of tissue removed varies with each mastectomy. Factors contributing to the amount of tissue removed include the width, size, and location of the original tumor and its proximity to the armpit from which the lymph glands are removed.

Is Breast Reconstruction Considered Cosmetic Surgery?

Restoring the breast through breast reconstruction is not considered cosmetic surgery. Operations performed to restore anatomy and symmetry, like breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, is considered reconstructive surgery – this means that in most cases your breast reconstruction will be covered by medical aid.

After a mastectomy would you choose to undergo a breast reconstruction or simply live without breasts? I see both types of patients in my practice.

Timing of breast reconstruction is based on the woman’s desires, other medical conditions, and breast cancer treatment. For many women, immediate reconstruction reduces the trauma of having a breast removed, as well as the expense and discomfort of undergoing two major operations.

It is also possible to do breast reconstruction months or years after a mastectomy. For some women, this may be advised if radiation following mastectomy was or will be performed.
We will discuss you best options during the consultation process. Call my Fourways rooms to make an appointment 011 875 1630



This month is the last of winter and so begins the rush of cosmetic procedures that the year-end brings. Everyone starts to think about the beach and their bodies and start to plan their cosmetic surgeries.

Being that there is such a spike in cosmetic procedures from September to December in the practice, we thought we’d see what procedures were most popular and compare that with international trends.

A fun topic, but also some differences between my rooms, South Africa and the rest of the world.

Interesting thoughts on most popular procedures:

  1. They are mostly breast cosmetic procedures
  2. All of them will add confidence to a personality
  3. There is a 90% – 10% women to man ratio, which is growing



What is the number 1 international procedure?

The 2012 international most popular cosmetic procedure was: Breast Augmentation
This surgery regained top spot after being knocked into 2nd in 2011 – come back tomorrow to find out what was number 1 in 2011.
Silicone implants have only recently been made legal in the USA and this could be a reason for their rise in numbers.  Match that with more competition liposuction results with non-invasive procedures like Coolsculpt and Vela shape and you could see why Liposuction would be down.
Though quicker and easier than liposuction, these non-invasive technologies yield much less dramatic results, so it will be interesting to see how they fare next year.
Internationally Botox is number 1 too skyrocketing from 2,619,739 procedures in 2011 to 3,257,913 procedures in 2012 (recorded stats from the US)

In the UK the stats reveal some interesting differences to Dr Serruriers’ practice, with some obvious similarities.

In the UK, women accounted for 90.5% of all cosmetic procedures in 2012 with a total of 39,070 procedures. The top ones in 2012 were:

  • Breast augmentation – down 1.6% from last year but still the most popular procedure for women
  • Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), up 13% to become the second biggest procedure for women
  • Face/Neck Lifts were third place for the third year running, with 5,324 procedures
  • The number of breast reduction and rhinoplasty procedures for women dropped – down 7% and 11% respectively
  • Fat transfer replaced liposuction as the 7th most popular procedure for women in 2012. Liposuction saw a 14% decrease
  • Brow lifts increased by 17% on last year

Male cosmetic surgery


Gynaecomastea is number the top male surgery, but liposuction and facelift surgery are growing in popularity.

Blepharoplasty is a very popular surgery in men, as many men undergo corrective eyelid surgery as women.

Blepharoplasty can be performed in the rooms as an outpatient procedure and it offers a quick recovery. It is little wonder that has double-digit growth in the practice. 

The total number of surgical procedures worldwide is projected to be 8,536,379 and the number of non-surgical procedures is estimated at 8,759,187  – bringing the combined worldwide total of surgical and non-surgical procedures performed by qualified plastic surgeons to: 17,295,55

Did you know that the most cosmetic procedures are performed in these countries:

  1. The United States
  2. Brazil

Did you know in South Africa 70% of all the cosmetic procedures are performed between September and December?

It makes sense that most cosmetic and aesthetic procedures are performed on women between 25 and 44 (approx. 62%) but another approx. 16% is performed on women between 45 and 54. 



Dr Serruriers cosmetic surgery practice profile actually matches closely with Brazil, their top 7 procedures are:

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breat Reduction
  • Breast Lift
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Facial Fat Transfer
  • Liposuction

This does make sense somewhat given our similar climates and love of the outdoors.

Most, if not all of these cases, also combine with some form of aesthetic medicine.


As an aesthetic treatment Botox is still number 1 in Dr Serruriers’ practice with dermal fillers a close second. They are often done in combination and also win combination with cosmetic surgery.

Men have a growing interest in cosmetic surgery with growth in Dr Serruriers practice throughout the surgical indications:

Breast reduction surgery at Dr Charles Serruriers’ rooms have not dropped as they did in the UK and Dr Serruriers rooms did not buck the liposuction trend as did the UK, as it is listed as a most popular combination treatment.

In many cases Dr Serrurier combines cosmetic procedures with Liposuction to maximise theatre time and results. For marginally more your results can be exponentially better – but this needs to be discussed with him during the consultation process.


Blepharoplasty is the highest gainer of all of Dr Serruriers cosmetic procedures.
Cosmetic eyelid surgery:

  1. Brightens the face,
  2. Removes that tired looks
  3. Takes years from your visible age

Although the majority of Dr Serrurier’s patients are women, it is exciting to note that there is a large range of ages represented through the practice.

I hope that you enjoyed this newsletter, remember to phone my rooms on 011 875 1630 if you wish to book an appointment of would like to know more about the procedures I perform at my Fourways practice. Also, remember to follow my Facebook page to stay up to date with my monthly info!

Finally, make sure to visit my website for more info on the procedures and treatments I offer www.drserrurier.co.za




Welcome to my July newsletter!

This month, I have decided to talk about winter as the perfect season for surgery, in particular, for liposuction and tummy tuck.

Maybe you had no idea that seasons did matter when talking about recovery or comfort post op but they do and I always highly advise my patients to taking these external aspects in considerations in order to have the best experience possible.

I am thrilled to give you some insight and knowledge on how these procedures work and how it can help you feel better in your own skin.

Thinking about going under the knife, but not sure when the best time for plastic surgery may be? The autumn and winter months are some of the most popular times for surgery, so you may want to book a consultation now.


Here are some reasons why:

If liposuction or a tummy tuck is your intended procedure, would you really want to do it at the beginning of summer, the swimsuit season, the time for halters and shorts?

Winter recovery is easier

Many people are hesitant to undergo procedures like breast augmentation or a tummy tuck because of the time it takes to recover. Unfortunately, there’s not much of a way around this issue. But in winter you can wear layers of clothing, enjoy snuggling in bed during recovery and also have your results ready for show when the summer season rolls around.

Of course you can always choose a non-surgical procedure like Botox injections or dermal fillers year round as the recovery is practically zero.

For best recovery you will be instructed to take it easy and spend much of your time indoors for a few days. This alone makes the cold, winter months a better choice.

And, once you are able to go outside and move around again, wearing layers of clothes or accessories to hide any post-surgery garments, dressings or scars would be completely normal.

Medical reasons for winter recovery

Another good reason to undergo surgery in winter:  If you have a stressful job or life and have been thinking about having a procedure, this could be the perfect opportunity to have a “staycation” and recover.

This means you won’t be longing for the outdoors, be tempted to hit the town and more likely to follow post-surgical instructions. Medically this is the best.

Winter is also a great time for plastic surgery because patients can cover up bandages in layers of clothes.

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.

Basically, winter is the best season to have plastic surgery, no matter what procedure you are having done but especially for long-recovery body surgeries like:

  • Liposuction and
  • Tummy tuck.

Amongst the ideal winter procedures, this month I want to talk about liposuction and abdominoplasty which are notorious for being the most appropriate surgeries during the cold months, as the recovery is the longest for these procedures.




First up is liposuction, which is a popular procedure at my practice and one that can help sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specific areas, including:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Knees
  • Upper arms
  • Chin
  • Cheeks
  • Neck

Although liposuction is no substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, liposuction can remove stubborn areas of fat that does not respond to traditional weight-loss methods.

Liposuction surgery may be considered to treat areas of excess fat in the stomach, buttocks, hips, love handles, saddlebags, thighs, calves, ankles, breasts (including male breasts), back, arms and neck.

Liposuction recovery:
Physical activity should be restricted for the first 24 hours post operatively for all Liposuction cases. Just because the pain medication will have you feeling well doesn’t mean you should be up and about. Take the time and rest, you and the result will benefit from it.

After this, light exercise is encouraged but strenuous exercise should not be resumed for at least 4 weeks. Now you can see why winter is a great time for liposuction recovery?

Post operatively Liposuction patients are required to wear a support garment for approximately 6 weeks. This helps minimise swelling and bruising, and helps maintain the aesthetic result.

Yes, they are not the most flattering garments but when you consider the surgery and your desired outcome the garment is a small sacrifice. As mentioned before, winter clothing will help hide all the unflattering post-surgical garments until you are fully healed.

It takes at least approximately 6 months for all the swelling to subside and your final result to be revealed. So now you ask me when I think the ideal time for liposuction surgery is? Autumn!

Plan your surgery and you will be able to reveal your new body at the first sign of summer.



Now, onto abdominoplasty (also called tummy tuck), which is the one of the most popular plastic surgeries, for women, but more and more men are coming to my practice to undergo the tummy tuck procedure.

Women tend to undergo this procedure post child rearing, when getting your body back becomes more of a priority. And it is another great winter procedure!

Did you know that if you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck, additional combination surgeries such as liposuction also might be a great way for you to get more out of your surgery?

After your tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck, the abdomen will be swollen and tender. Moderate pain can be expected for about two days but the pain will decrease as your healing progresses. Pain and discomfort will be controlled with medication that I will prescribe.

The recovery is longer than most cosmetic procedures and this extended recovery makes it a perfect winter surgery.

I may recommend that you use a support garment or girdle at the end of the tummy tuck or during the healing period. Usually the garment is worn for two to six weeks, depending on need.

They may look unsightly but they benefits are well worth the additional discomfort. As with liposuction, winter clothing can help you hide the post-surgical garments and keep you as comfortable as possible.

Downtime after a Tummy Tuck surgery?
Most patients take between one and two weeks off work after an abdominoplasty. This is simply to recover, not necessarily to be back on your feet, although a minimum of one week off work would aid in the healing process.

Again winter time is easier to just stay indoors and relax in bed: perfect healing conditions! Healing is usually complete and the final result is visible within a few months.



Welcome to this month’s issue!


What we will be covering this month:

  • Introduction
  • Buttock lift
  • Thigh lift
  • Arm lift

This month, my newsletter is all about body lift procedures: thigh lift, buttock lift and arm lift.

These contouring and tightening surgeries give my patients wonderful and long lasting results.

I am thrilled to give you some insight and knowledge on how these procedures work and how it can help you feel better in your own skin.

Remember to visit my website for more info on the procedures and treatments I offer www.drserrurier.co.za

“You need to know: Body lift procedures are in no way and alternative to getting in shape the healthy way”



A thigh lift reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin, and in some cases fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body.

Incision patterns vary based on the area or areas to be treated, the degree of correction and patient and surgeon preference. One common technique I use for a thigh lift is to place the incisions in the groin, extending downward wrapping around the back of the thigh.

This way, the incision can be easily hidden by most types of clothing and swimsuits, we definitely don’t want the scarring to be a determining factor in making you more comfortable in your own skin.

During your thigh lift, the underlying tissue matrix will be reshaped and tightened, and skin will be reduced and re-draped. This is how we get results to offer you a more proportionate and smoother body contour

You may qualify for a minimal incision medial thigh lift that involves an incision only in the groin area. I will, of course, determine what’s appropriate.

Improving the contours of the outer thigh during a thigh lift may require an incision extending from the groin around the hip. Through these incisions Dr Serrurier will tighten tissues for a smoother, better-toned lower body contour.

The tighter contouring resulting from a thigh lift is apparent almost immediately, although initially obscured by some swelling and bruising which is completely normal post-procedure.



Its main purpose is to improve and/or remove excess, sagging buttock and thigh skin that has developed as a result of weight loss, aging and gravity, or genetics. It is important to note that these procedures are in no way an alternative to exercising or dieting.

Buttock lift surgery at the practice is typically performed as an outpatient procedure with the use of general anaesthesia. The procedure can also be performed as part of a body lift or as part of a circumferential abdominoplasty.

Often buttock lift, like tummy tuck and thigh lift surgery, is combined with liposuction for optimal results.

There is not one overall approach used for buttock lift surgery. I will tailor a method that will best suit your body shape and the amount of skin and fat to be removed. Together upon your first consultation we will discuss your specific characteristics and expectations in order to determine what the best approach is.

In general, the buttock lift incisions are made at the waist or slightly below the waist. After the incision or incisions are made, excess skin and fat is detached from the soft tissue and removed. The skin is then tightened and closed in layers.

The results of buttock lift surgery are visible almost immediately, but it may take several months for your final results to fully develop. A buttock lift does not add volume or shape to your existing buttocks, but it can give it a sleeker, more toned appearance.

Full recovery from buttock lift surgery usually takes four to six months. While swelling and bruising usually subside within two to three weeks. It is crucial that you follow Dr Serruriers’ post-surgical instructions when it comes to your recovery.

Dr Serrurier will recommend that you avoid any strenuous activity and exercise for up to three months following your buttock lift surgery. Follow-up appointments are the best way to ensure long-lasting results from buttock lift surgery.



If you are unhappy with the way your arms look and wish to remove some diet resistant fat and tighten the skin, I can help you thanks to a procedure called arm lift or Brachioplasty.

This is an increasingly popular procedure in both men and women, for those self-conscious about “bingo arms”

The purpose of the Arm Lift is to remove the excess skin from the upper arms and reduce the circumference of the upper arms.

You may be a candidate for an upper arm lift if you have sagging skin on the upper arms. Upper arm tissue can relax with age, genetics, gravity and weight loss, and most people are self-conscious about it.

After their Brachioplasty, patients usually report:

  • A more youthful appearance and thinner contour to the arms.
  • Reduction of flabbiness, extra skin and fat, in the upper inner arms.
  • Greater confidence and comfort in clothing
  • Long-lasting results.

In order to remove the unwanted skin during your arm lift, an incision is made that may run from near the elbow into the underarm. Dr Serrurier will place the incision in the most inconspicuous location (inner arm toward the back), where the tissue can be best tightened.

The scar unfortunately will be visible, but that should not be a deciding factor, especially with the advancements in scar treatments of today.

After the arm lift operation, you will experience some degree of bruising, swelling, tenderness and/or numbness, which is completely normal. Drains may remain in place for about three to seven days (case dependant).

Dr Serrurier will limit your activity for 5 -7 days following surgery and you should avoid strenuous activities for about four to six weeks.