Blepharoplasty – Eyelid Surgery

One of the most common procedures I perform in my Fourways rooms is Eyelid surgery, or Blepharoplasty.



This is because, unfortunately, the eye area is one of the first areas to show the signs of aging.

Indeed, many men and women suffer from droopy or hooded eyelids, either due to aging, heredity factors, or both. And the same applies to the wrinkles, puffiness and fat bulges that can develop in the lower eyelids. These conditions can be particularly bothersome, since the eyes are such a critical part of our expressions and our interactions with others. Patients often complain of appearing tired or unhappy despite feeling otherwise.

Eyelid surgery always has a tremendous impact on the overall appearance of the face and gives my patients a younger, more awake and energetic look that boosts their confidence.

Contact my Fourways plastic surgery practice on 011 875 1631 to learn more about the eyelid surgery.



Eyelid surgery is a wonderful procedure for restoring youthfulness to eyes that are showing severe signs of ageing resulting from gravity, time and genetics. During this procedure, I remove fat pockets and tighten the muscles but I explain the procedure in more details further on in this article.

The best candidates for this plastic surgery procedure are healthy men and women who are in their 30s or older and who have realistic expectations.

Of course, as with all cosmetic procedures, it is especially important that I carefully assess your eyes and the surrounding areas and understand your goals and concerns before recommending eyelid surgery.

During your consultation, I will determine if you truly have excessive eyelid skin, or if your sagging eyelids are mainly caused by a drooping brow. If this is the case, you may actually need a brow lift, either with or without blepharoplasty. Find out more about brow lift on my website

I will also decide whether you require upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, or both, and what approach would be best suited to your condition.

Since the eyes and the eye area are such an important part of our appearance, it is extremely important that eyelid surgery be performed only by a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in this delicate procedure. I, myself am a member of the APRSSA.



This is probably the number one question my eyelid surgery patients ask me.


→Upper Eyelid Surgery

When performing upper eyelid surgery, my goal is to remove excess skin and occasional fat bulges that are responsible for the tired, grumpy look. I make an incision that runs along the natural fold of the upper eyelid, and extends just beyond the outside corner into the existing creases.

Through this incision, a strip of excess skin is removed and fatty tissue is eliminated or repositioned to create a more refreshed, alert appearance. Because the incision follows the natural crease of the eyelid, it is usually very well-concealed and rarely noticeable.


→Lower Eyelid Surgery

While upper eyelid surgery primarily involves the removal of sagging skin, lower eyelid surgery mainly targets the fatty deposits, which are more predominant under the eye. Removing these deposits in conjunction with the sagging skin leaves a smooth, firm, younger-looking surface above the cheek.

Lower eyelid surgery may be done through the inside of the lower eyelid, using what is called transconjunctival or “scar-less” technique which requires no external incision, and is appropriate only for the removal or redistribution of fat. It is therefore not suitable if you are showing severe wrinkling in that area.

I usually complete upper and lower eyelid surgery within one to two hours, it is usually done as an outpatient procedure. Did you know that some of my patients choose to have blepharoplasty done in conjunction with a facelift?

Here is an article I wrote about Facelift surgery at my practice


After surgery, you will have eyelid sutures in place. They provide support to the eyelid tissue to ensure that the incision lines heal beautifully, without excessive strain or tension. These sutures are removed 5 days after surgery.

My patients usually report mild levels of pain following blepharoplasty but I will prescribe oral medications to alleviate any discomfort you may feel. You should expect bruising and swelling too, at least for the first week after your surgery. After 10 to 14 days, most of my eyelid surgery patients feel comfortable in public and return to work and social activities.

We will schedule follow up appointments so that I can check up on your healing progress. I will remove your sutures within the first week of surgery.

The eyelid surgery results can last for years but remember to be patient with yourself during the healing process. While it is imperative to be active, eat well and get plenty of rest, it is true that people heal at different paces.

I hope you enjoyed this article? It was great for me to share some key facts about blepharoplasty. If I have left out something that you would like to know more about, please leave a message right here on my blog or, alternatively, on my Facebook page or via Twitter and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Lastly, if you wish to book a consultation with me, please phone my rooms on 011 875 1631.

Non-Surgical Aesthetics: Botox & Dermal Fillers

As aesthetic treatments are becoming more and more advanced, I am also seeing an increase in their popularity at my practice. An increasing number of patients are noticing a lack of volume and elasticity that cause wrinkles and lines as they age yet they are looking for an alternative to a facelift surgery.

Closeup portrait of an attractive young woman posing


Winter has been giving your skin a hard time and summer is not too far away which means that now is the perfect time to give your skin a healthy glow, a smooth texture and a young, more sculpted appearance!

To book a consultation, don’t hesitate to phone my Fourways rooms on 011 875 1630.

I hope you enjoy what follows!



Deciding on undergoing Botox and/or dermal fillers injections is a great idea as they will restore your face’s youthful appearance in a very subtle manner with no recovery time incurred!

My website offers more information about Botox 

Botox is a wonderful option if you wish to erase frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles or lip wrinkles. When I inject Botox into the muscles responsible for these wrinkles, it instantly relaxes them, improving or eliminating the bothersome lines and wrinkles.

The patients I treat with Botox are 65 years old or younger but something worth knowing is that you should not wait for severe, deep wrinkles to develop before you book your Botox appointment! Getting Botox injections before your skin reaches an advanced state of ageing is great to prevent the formation of severe wrinkles. And remember, Botox is not just for the ladies! The treatment’s affects can last from 4 to 6 months.

Of course, touch ups will be necessary to keep your skin smooth and youthful. Botox usually requires top ups which are in fact full dose treatments:

  • Every 3 to 4 months in the first year
  • Every 6 months in the second year
  • Every 9 months in the third year

A Botox treatment can fit in during your lunch break! You will be able to drive and resume your normal activities afterwards. And since the results are so natural and subtle, no one will know!




My patients often ask me what the difference between Botox and dermal fillers is

and it is a fact that these two products are indeed completely different and do not lead to the same results. Simply put, Botox paralyses the muscles causing the wrinkles to appear whereas dermal fillers plump out the wrinkles from the inside out. While Botox can only improve wrinkles caused by movement of facial muscles, dermal fillers are best suited for a wider variety of wrinkles and creases, such as nasolabial folds, smile lines, and lip lines. It can also be used for nose reshaping or cheek enhancement!

During the consultation I will assess the signs of ageing your face is displaying and together we will discuss whether to go for Botox or fillers.

If you would like to know more about dermal fillers, visit my website 

I use both Restylane and Teosyal dermal fillers for facial aesthetic treatments at my practice. I love how multi-dimensional they are. In using these brands, I get the assurance that I am working with the safest and most efficient products on the dermal fillers market. My goal is to offer predictable and satisfactory results at all times.
During a dermal filler treatment I will inject the hyaluronic acid (which is naturally occurring in the body and a very clear gel) into the skin in tiny drops with an extremely fine needle.

The product also brings water to the surface of skin to keep it looking fresh and supple. I ensure that nothing is over-done such that the results are subtle and natural-looking.

Just like Botox injections, filler injections are often called “lunchtime treatments” because you can be in an out of my rooms within a half-hour!

Restylane and Teosyal work beautifully on those areas that tend to give away your age such as:

    1. Neck
    2. Décolletage
    3. Backs of your hands.

Just as a quick final note, I offer liquid facelifts at my practice. Liquid facelifts beautifully combine Botox and fillers to sculpt, fill up and rejuvenate the face in all the right places!

I hope you enjoyed this newsletter? You can read my other newsletter on skin rejuvenation here and remember to visit my website as well as the various social media platforms where I post daily for informative updates!



This month in my newsletter, I will be talking about problems and solutions. I often see patients who are bothered by a certain aspect of their body and either do not know what to resort to or choose the wrong procedure. I am here to help you decide on the best option and make the best out of your surgery.

If there is anything else you would like to know or something in particular that you would like me to explain, phone my rooms on 011 875 1630 or simply leave a comment on my Facebook page and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Lastly, make sure to visit my website for more info on all the procedures I offer at my Fourways practice!



  • You have saggy breasts
  • You desire more cleavage
  • There is a significant difference between one breast and the other
  • You are self-conscious about breasts
  • You feel that larger more perky breasts would make you feel more attractive and improve your self-confidence
  • You have a hard time finding clothes that fit because of discrepancy between your breasts and your buttocks

Solution: Breast Lift!
Based on your answers to the last post, you may or may not also require a breast augmentation at the same time.

After breast lift surgery, you will notice that your breasts are firmer and higher. This will help to improve your confidence and self-esteem. Many patients are happy with the results and report that they feel younger looking and more ‘feminine’.

My Breast Lift page is full of informative resources

Why would I need to combine Breast Lift surgery with Breast augmentation?

Breast lift does not increase the size of your breasts although they may appear larger due to the fact that they are higher and firmer looking. The exception to this is if you have combined this procedure with breast augmentation surgery to enhance volume.


  • Your breasts are causing you severe psychological distress, are affecting your physical health or your ability to do exercise.
  • You are experiencing backache, neck and shoulder ache.
  • Your clothes don’t fit properly
  • You do not like the way your breasts affect your overall appearance: large breasts can make you look unbalanced and have a big impact upon your appearance in general. Your breasts are out of proportion with the rest of your body. You feel that you are ‘top heavy’ and this can affect your self-confidence.
  • You do not like being subject to inappropriate comments or attentions from the opposite sex.

Solution: Breast Reduction!

The main benefits are smaller, lighter and firmer breasts. They will be in proportion to the rest of your body. This also means no more physical discomfort such as backache or neck ache. The areola (the brown circular area round the nipple) can also be made smaller and better proportioned as well.

For Breast Reduction at my practice, click here

Breast reduction results in one of the most dramatic changes to physical appearance.

  • Your clothes will fit better;
  • You will no longer have physical discomfort
  • Or have to endure unwanted comments about the size of your breasts. This is usually a particular issue for teenage girls.


  • You consider your breasts to be too small and would like to increase their size.
  • You feel less than feminine as a result of having small breasts.
  • Your breasts lost firmness, shape and volume after pregnancy
  • Your one breast is smaller/bigger than the other
  • You feel bigger, firmer breasts will give you a more youthful appearance

Solution: Breast Augmentation!

This highly requested surgery will have you feeling happier with your appearance, and will improve self-confidence and well-being. Breast Augmentation is the most requested surgery in my practice and in most cases women are looking for increased size with upper pole fullness.

Visit my breast augmentation page for more info!

The decision to undergo breast augmentation is a highly personal one and all that matters are how you feel about the results. If the results match your expectations then it has been a success.

It can give you a younger looking appearance but it is not a ‘fountain of youth’! As with any form of cosmetic surgery you need to have realistic expectations about what it can do.



  • You are bothered by excess fat deposits – located anywhere on your body – that don’t respond to diet or exercise.
  • You feel your body is disproportionate (but not necessarily overweight)

Solution: Liposuction and Liposculpture!

The results after liposuction surgery are instantly noticeable. You will have a firmer and more contoured appearance, which will improve your sense of well-being. The effects of liposuction are permanent, which means if you do increase your body fat, then it will NOT return to those areas you had treated.

Liposuction in more detail? Head over to my website!

Liposuction is especially beneficial to those patients who have undergone weight loss surgery. It can remove those last remaining pockets of fat. This will dramatically improve your appearance.

Liposuction can also be combined with other procedures such as abdominoplasty.

However I need to insist on the fact that Liposuction is not a solution to the problem of obesity or weight loss in general.  Also, it is not an effective treatment for cellulite.


  • You have recently had a baby and wish to tighten loose skin that has stretched as a result of your pregnancy.
  • You have increased amounts of skin laxity or looseness from the belly button down to the pubic region
  • You have excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and are looking to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall to flatten your abdomen

Solution: Tummy Tuck!

During this surgery, I remove excess skin and fat from the waist, which cannot be shifted by diet and exercise alone.

There are three types of abdominoplasty:

  • Complete abdominoplasty
  • Partial or ‘mini’ abdominoplasty
  • Extended abdominoplasty

But don’t worry; together we will discuss which one is best for your needs and characteristics.

Tummy tuck results are impressive: You will have a firmer, toned and flatter abdomen. If you had some lower abdominal bulge as a result of pregnancy then this will also be corrected. This also includes stretch marks! Your waist will appear slimmer and this tighter, youthful abdomen will boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Would you like to find out more about Tummy Tuck at my practice?


  • You do not like the way their nose looks and have been troubled by one or more of its features?
  • You are concerned about the following?
  • Damage to your nose caused by an accident or injury
  • Congenital defect
  • A nose that is too small or too large
  • Excessively flared nostrils
  • An enlarged, drooping or thickened nasal tip
  • Crooked or off-centre nose

Solution: Rhinoplasty!

Rhinoplasty is performed for a variety of reasons which can include increasing or reducing the size of the nose; changing the nasal tip or the bridge, removing any unsightly humps or bumps and making the nose straighter or narrower.

The nasal tip itself can be rotated upwards or downwards, projected forwards or backwards or enlarged or decreased in size. The cartilage, bones and sometimes the soft tissues of the nose are reshaped.

After your rhinoplasty, your nose will be more natural looking and will complement your appearance. Whether larger, smaller or reshaped, you will look and feel better.

The vast majority of my patients are happy with the results of rhinoplasty.

If you would like to read more about this procedure, make sure to visit my website.

I hope you enjoyed this newsletter about various problems some of my patients encounter and the solutions I offer at my Fourways practice. Of course, I spoke about a few surgeries only so make sure to phone my rooms on 011 875 1630 if you would like to book an appointment or simply make an inquiry, we are here to help you!

You can also find me on Facebook and on Twitter.

Dr Charles Serrurier’s February Body Lifts



This month, my newsletter is all about the lifts! As the year begins, it’s not always only our spirits that need to be lifted! And this is what I can help you with! At my practice, I offer many lifting options, whether it’s facial or body surgeries.

You will read about Breast Lift, Brow Lift, Face Lift, Arm Lift and Thigh and Buttocks Lift.

Of course, all the info will be concise so make sure to visit my website for more in depth explanations

Lastly, if there is anything else you would like to know or something in particular that you would like me to explain, phone my rooms on 011 875 1630or simply leave a comment on my Facebook page and I will get back to you as soon as I can.



With age, pregnancy and breast feeding and fluctuation in weight, the ligaments and skin envelope which maintain the youthful shape of the breasts, stretch and elongate causing an unpleasant drooping of the breast on the chest wall.

This phenomenon is called ptosis and this is what the Breast Lift will correct.

How does breast lift surgery correct ptosis?
In order to reverse this drooping, I tighten the breast skin and reshape the breast tissue, which in turn will provide a more youthful shape with an improved nipple position. Also, did you know that I could reduce the diameter of your areola if you wish?

Breast Lift and Augmentation is a very common combination procedure!
If fullness and volume are important to you, an implant can be inserted during the breast lift to enhance size or firmness. This is a combination procedure called a Mastopexy Augmentation or Breast lift with additional implants.

Post-operative treatments too, can help reduce the visible scars quickly and effectively. I will discuss your initial reasons for wanting a breast lift and all the options available to you, and thereafter, will take care to ensure that you are satisfied with your new breast shape and scar treatment.



Over time, frequent facial movements related to facial expressions can lead to a variety of lines and wrinkles in the skin. This is particularly true in the brow area where frown lines and forehead furrows may develop above the nose and across the middle of the forehead.

The brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure, which can eliminate lines and furrows in the brow and forehead area. At the same time, the eyebrows may be restored to a more elevated and youthful position and excess skin of the upper eyelids can be eliminated.

The result after a brow lift is a smoother forehead, lifted eyebrows, and an overall more youthful and refreshed appearance to the brow area.

Brow Lift surgery can improve a tired, angry or sad appearance that is often associated with an aged forehead. Specifically, the brow lift can correct the following:

  • Frown lines
  • Forehead furrows
  • Forehead creases
  • Drooping eyebrows
  • Hooding over the eyes

The best candidates for a brow lift are looking to improve aging in the brow and forehead area, are in generally good health, and have realistic expectations.

Other complimentary treatments including Botox®, Fillers and Restylane® Vital. These non-surgical options are available as non-permanent solutions to the position of your brow & forehead lines.



At my practice, Facelifts are nearly as popular as Breast Augmentations, and I often combine Facelift surgery with other procedures.

Can’t I have Botox and fillers instead of a Facelift?
Although signs of aging eventually appear in all areas of the face, for many people the mid to lower face and neck tend to fare the worst. As skin and tissue lose elasticity, gravity begins to pull them downward.

This is the single most common reason for Facelift Surgery. These areas unfortunately cannot be treated appropriately with Botox and Fillers.

Having a surgical facelift will tighten and reposition sagging skin, wrinkled skin, and loose muscles to leave you looking younger and refreshed. The perfect procedure to boost your confidence in the long term and to start the year feeling fantastic!

The best candidate for a facelift is a physically healthy man or woman who is realistic about their expectations, and interested in improving sagging facial skin, jowls, and loose neck skin.



Now onto the lower body lifts! The lower body lift is performed for patients that desire improvement of the thighs and buttocks, and it is more common in patients after excessive weight loss.

Unwanted excess tissue of the inner and outer thighs can be treated by direct excision of loose skin and subcutaneous fat to improve the contour.

Lateral thigh lift and buttock lift are types of body contouring that remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the outer thigh and buttock regions. Artistic and anatomical removal of this tissue can result in an improved appearance and silhouette.

I always like to emphasize that these procedures are not a cure for obesity, and is most appropriate for persons with localized excess skin and fat bulges that are inherited, or remain despite weight reduction and exercise. And unfortunately thigh and buttock lifts are not a cure for cellulite or stretch marks.



Arm Lift will be my last topic of the month. Arm Lift is a technique to remove excess hanging skin from the upper arms usually after substantial weight loss.

I perform arm lift surgery at my practice to remove the excess skin from the upper arms and reduce the circumference of the upper arms.

There are multiple ways to sculpt the arm, including Liposuction, Minimal Access Brachioplasty (axillary scar and liposuction) and Traditional Brachioplasty.

The best candidates for Arm Lift are people with sagging skin of the upper arms. You should be physically healthy, psychologically stable, and realistic in your expectations. Arm Lift will improve your arm contours and remove “Bingo Arms”.

Please remember to subscribe,

kind regards,




Welcome to my September newsletter! This month in my newsletter I want to talk about skin rejuvenation. In my practice I see many patients who tell me they will never ever undergo surgery but they still want to slow down ageing and have younger, fresher looking skin.

This is why they choose to have Dermal fillers and Botox injections. This month I will give you some insight about these two very popular treatments.

They are the perfect way of removing years from your face without having to experience pain or recovery. It is quick, safe and predictable, with a very high satisfaction rate from my patients.

Remember to follow my Facebook page and for extra information on all the treatments and procedures I offer, head over to my website !

Dermal fillers

Handsome mature man.

Dermal fillers give us options to:

  • Rejuvenate your skin,
  • Correct wrinkles,
  • Replace volume and
  • Can provide good insight to possible surgical outcomes – should that be the route you are considering.

I have many patients that in no way want to undergo surgery, and that is fine, they chose to have Dermal Filler treatments to keep them looking young and refreshed with beautiful skin to reverse visible signs of ageing.

Restylane Vital is skin rejuvenation treatment option that combines superbly will with Facelift surgery or as a treatment on its own. This treatment inlvolves injecting the pure, crystal-clear hyaluronic acid gel into the skin in micro-droplets with an extra-fine needle.

The results are a fresh, natural and more youthful appearance plumping up your skin from within and encouraging the formation of new collagen. You will enjoy a  long-lasting, natural and safe improvement to your skin by gradually releasing its benefits over several months.

The natural action of Hyaluronic acid is to attract moisture to the skin. As the molecule degrades it attracts more and more moisture to maintain Hydrobalance in the skin.

Extra hydration means thicker and plumper skin and therefore less wrinkles… Making it the perfect wrinkle treatment.

The most popular Dermal Filler treatment areas are:

  • Laugh lines
  • Lip outline
  • Lip volume
  • Wrinkles
  • Liquid face lifts
  • Skin rejuvenation (Restylane Vital)

Immediately after treatment with dermal fillers, you may look a little red. Sometimes clients can see small raised nodules at the treatment site; this is a normal reaction and will subside within a day or so.



What is the difference between Botox and Dermal Fillers?

Dermal Filler treatments are the treatments for filling wrinkles from the inside out or treatments like plumping lips.

Botox is a muscle-relaxing agent derived from Botulinum toxin that reduces wrinkles and fine lines by temporarily relaxing the muscle. The theory is very simple: Stop the muscle from forming a wrinkle and thereby eliminate it.

The most common area of treatment is frown lines of the forehead. But Botox may also be used to treat numerous areas including:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Excessive sweating
  • Migraines

Unlike Restylane and Teosyal, which treat deep wrinkles, Botox can be used to treat fine lines and wrinkles on the face, especially the brow area and the “crow’s feet” around the eyes.

Expect each Botox treatment to last approximately 4 months and it takes about 15 minutes to complete the procedure. If it is your first time getting Botox, it might take a little longer because I will need to examine and explain as much as possible for you to feel safe and comfortable.

What happens during a Botox treatment?
First I will mix the Botox powder with saline to create the botox solution. Then I use a very fine needle to inject the toxin into the overactive muscle. It sounds simple but placement and technique do play a role so always work with a trained plastic surgeon who understands facial anatomy.

How long before you’re able to see results from Botox?
Do not expect to see the results immediately after a Botox procedure as they usually start being noticeable 2 to 5 days later, when the toxin takes effect.  

Did you know?

Not many people know this but it is possible for me to combine Botox and fillers. This is called a Liquid Facelift and works so beautifully as the two products complete each other really well. This procedure is a great way for me to mimic facelift results yet there is no recovery whatsoever and it also enables you to fix different problem areas in one session.

Some of my patients come for Dermal Filler treatments to test the results before opting for more permanent surgical options. If this a potential reason for undergoing Botox and dermal filler treatments I will not perform surgery until the product has completely degraded from the treatment site.

Of course you can simply opt for the surgery too; the choice is entirely yours. Remember to visit my website for additional surgical information.

Lastly, did you know that dermal filler treatments can be done quickly in my rooms, but also in combination with surgery under anaesthetic? Simply ask me if this is something you are considering.

I hope you have all enjoyed this newsletter on skin rejuvenation at my practice. Remember to follow and like my Facebook page and share all the info with those around you!




This month, I would like to talk about facials at my practice. They are performed by my therapist Yana and are such a wonderful option when it comes to taking care of your skin and making sure you are giving it a great treatment with long-term benefits.

I will be talking about the very nature of facials and why they make such a huge difference to the quality of your skin!

Remember to visit my website for more info on the procedures and treatments I offer

 I hope you enjoy what follows!


“Yana, the therapist, often recommends that you come for a professional facial every 4-6 weeks in order to target skin issues specific to you”

What are facials?   

A facial is one of the best ways to take care of your skin, especially when it’s given by an experienced, knowledgeable therapist like Yana.

    • Even tone and PH balance of skin
    • Hydrating effect
    • Anti-ageing benefits

Facials are a wonderful option when it comes to occasional skincare for they encourage hydration, which is a key factor when it comes to ageing.

These are perfect treatment options for cosmetic maintenance and to enhance your facelift results.

Something to remember…

Yana can treat various skin problems on the face, neck and décolleté with a facial designed for your skin type.  But then going for a facial once in a while is not enough for your skin to look great all year long.

How is a facial performed?

How will Yana conduct the facial consultation?

A facial should begin with a consultation. Yana will have you fill out a form that has questions about your skin concerns, your diet, how much water you drink, drugs and supplements you take, and products you are currently using.

Before starting the facial treatment Yana will cover your eyes and looks at your skin through a brightly lit magnifying lamp.

She will then determine your basic skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive or normal) and skin conditions (acne, blackheads, whiteheads, aging, sun-damage, dehydration, etc.) after that she will choose the appropriate products and treatments.

At the end of the facial, Yana will most likely apply a toner/serum or/and moisturizer and sunscreen if it is daytime. She will also end the session by telling you how you can take better care of your skin and she will recommend some products that will help the results from the facial last longer.

The B.T Micro device 

The bt-micro™ is the latest rage in hand held professional technology and combines ultrasonic peeling with patented micro current and ultrasound penetration capabilities. It is a wonderful tool that will leave you with a cleaner, firmer skin. This is the perfect addition to our facial treatment regime.

The BT-micro™ is applied to the skin in upward, peeling motions. The exfoliation process with the BT-micro™ should take no more than 4-6 minutes. The results are amazingly clear and smooth skin that is ready to accept strategic topical products!

Here are the main Benefits of this procedure:

  • Cleanses and exfoliates for rejuvenating skin
  • Improves congested and blemished skin
  • Stimulates circulation of skin cell renewal
  • Tones facial muscles & hydrates the skin
  • Relaxes and reduces stress
  • Healthy circulation for cell renewal
  • Increase oxygen to the skins

Dr Charles Serrurier 

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
MBBCH (Wits), FCS Plast. Surg (CMSA)
PR. N0. 0304131                                             

Suite A9,
Life Fourways Hospital

Cedar Road & Cedar Avenue West
TEL: 011 875 1630
FAX: 011 875 163 Dr Charles Serrurier