Dr Charles Serrurier’s February Body Lifts



This month, my newsletter is all about the lifts! As the year begins, it’s not always only our spirits that need to be lifted! And this is what I can help you with! At my practice, I offer many lifting options, whether it’s facial or body surgeries.

You will read about Breast Lift, Brow Lift, Face Lift, Arm Lift and Thigh and Buttocks Lift.

Of course, all the info will be concise so make sure to visit my website for more in depth explanations

Lastly, if there is anything else you would like to know or something in particular that you would like me to explain, phone my rooms on 011 875 1630or simply leave a comment on my Facebook page and I will get back to you as soon as I can.



With age, pregnancy and breast feeding and fluctuation in weight, the ligaments and skin envelope which maintain the youthful shape of the breasts, stretch and elongate causing an unpleasant drooping of the breast on the chest wall.

This phenomenon is called ptosis and this is what the Breast Lift will correct.

How does breast lift surgery correct ptosis?
In order to reverse this drooping, I tighten the breast skin and reshape the breast tissue, which in turn will provide a more youthful shape with an improved nipple position. Also, did you know that I could reduce the diameter of your areola if you wish?

Breast Lift and Augmentation is a very common combination procedure!
If fullness and volume are important to you, an implant can be inserted during the breast lift to enhance size or firmness. This is a combination procedure called a Mastopexy Augmentation or Breast lift with additional implants.

Post-operative treatments too, can help reduce the visible scars quickly and effectively. I will discuss your initial reasons for wanting a breast lift and all the options available to you, and thereafter, will take care to ensure that you are satisfied with your new breast shape and scar treatment.



Over time, frequent facial movements related to facial expressions can lead to a variety of lines and wrinkles in the skin. This is particularly true in the brow area where frown lines and forehead furrows may develop above the nose and across the middle of the forehead.

The brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure, which can eliminate lines and furrows in the brow and forehead area. At the same time, the eyebrows may be restored to a more elevated and youthful position and excess skin of the upper eyelids can be eliminated.

The result after a brow lift is a smoother forehead, lifted eyebrows, and an overall more youthful and refreshed appearance to the brow area.

Brow Lift surgery can improve a tired, angry or sad appearance that is often associated with an aged forehead. Specifically, the brow lift can correct the following:

  • Frown lines
  • Forehead furrows
  • Forehead creases
  • Drooping eyebrows
  • Hooding over the eyes

The best candidates for a brow lift are looking to improve aging in the brow and forehead area, are in generally good health, and have realistic expectations.

Other complimentary treatments including Botox®, Fillers and Restylane® Vital. These non-surgical options are available as non-permanent solutions to the position of your brow & forehead lines.



At my practice, Facelifts are nearly as popular as Breast Augmentations, and I often combine Facelift surgery with other procedures.

Can’t I have Botox and fillers instead of a Facelift?
Although signs of aging eventually appear in all areas of the face, for many people the mid to lower face and neck tend to fare the worst. As skin and tissue lose elasticity, gravity begins to pull them downward.

This is the single most common reason for Facelift Surgery. These areas unfortunately cannot be treated appropriately with Botox and Fillers.

Having a surgical facelift will tighten and reposition sagging skin, wrinkled skin, and loose muscles to leave you looking younger and refreshed. The perfect procedure to boost your confidence in the long term and to start the year feeling fantastic!

The best candidate for a facelift is a physically healthy man or woman who is realistic about their expectations, and interested in improving sagging facial skin, jowls, and loose neck skin.



Now onto the lower body lifts! The lower body lift is performed for patients that desire improvement of the thighs and buttocks, and it is more common in patients after excessive weight loss.

Unwanted excess tissue of the inner and outer thighs can be treated by direct excision of loose skin and subcutaneous fat to improve the contour.

Lateral thigh lift and buttock lift are types of body contouring that remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the outer thigh and buttock regions. Artistic and anatomical removal of this tissue can result in an improved appearance and silhouette.

I always like to emphasize that these procedures are not a cure for obesity, and is most appropriate for persons with localized excess skin and fat bulges that are inherited, or remain despite weight reduction and exercise. And unfortunately thigh and buttock lifts are not a cure for cellulite or stretch marks.



Arm Lift will be my last topic of the month. Arm Lift is a technique to remove excess hanging skin from the upper arms usually after substantial weight loss.

I perform arm lift surgery at my practice to remove the excess skin from the upper arms and reduce the circumference of the upper arms.

There are multiple ways to sculpt the arm, including Liposuction, Minimal Access Brachioplasty (axillary scar and liposuction) and Traditional Brachioplasty.

The best candidates for Arm Lift are people with sagging skin of the upper arms. You should be physically healthy, psychologically stable, and realistic in your expectations. Arm Lift will improve your arm contours and remove “Bingo Arms”.

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kind regards,


Welcome to this month’s issue!


What we will be covering this month:

  • Introduction
  • Buttock lift
  • Thigh lift
  • Arm lift

This month, my newsletter is all about body lift procedures: thigh lift, buttock lift and arm lift.

These contouring and tightening surgeries give my patients wonderful and long lasting results.

I am thrilled to give you some insight and knowledge on how these procedures work and how it can help you feel better in your own skin.

Remember to visit my website for more info on the procedures and treatments I offer www.drserrurier.co.za

“You need to know: Body lift procedures are in no way and alternative to getting in shape the healthy way”



A thigh lift reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin, and in some cases fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body.

Incision patterns vary based on the area or areas to be treated, the degree of correction and patient and surgeon preference. One common technique I use for a thigh lift is to place the incisions in the groin, extending downward wrapping around the back of the thigh.

This way, the incision can be easily hidden by most types of clothing and swimsuits, we definitely don’t want the scarring to be a determining factor in making you more comfortable in your own skin.

During your thigh lift, the underlying tissue matrix will be reshaped and tightened, and skin will be reduced and re-draped. This is how we get results to offer you a more proportionate and smoother body contour

You may qualify for a minimal incision medial thigh lift that involves an incision only in the groin area. I will, of course, determine what’s appropriate.

Improving the contours of the outer thigh during a thigh lift may require an incision extending from the groin around the hip. Through these incisions Dr Serrurier will tighten tissues for a smoother, better-toned lower body contour.

The tighter contouring resulting from a thigh lift is apparent almost immediately, although initially obscured by some swelling and bruising which is completely normal post-procedure.



Its main purpose is to improve and/or remove excess, sagging buttock and thigh skin that has developed as a result of weight loss, aging and gravity, or genetics. It is important to note that these procedures are in no way an alternative to exercising or dieting.

Buttock lift surgery at the practice is typically performed as an outpatient procedure with the use of general anaesthesia. The procedure can also be performed as part of a body lift or as part of a circumferential abdominoplasty.

Often buttock lift, like tummy tuck and thigh lift surgery, is combined with liposuction for optimal results.

There is not one overall approach used for buttock lift surgery. I will tailor a method that will best suit your body shape and the amount of skin and fat to be removed. Together upon your first consultation we will discuss your specific characteristics and expectations in order to determine what the best approach is.

In general, the buttock lift incisions are made at the waist or slightly below the waist. After the incision or incisions are made, excess skin and fat is detached from the soft tissue and removed. The skin is then tightened and closed in layers.

The results of buttock lift surgery are visible almost immediately, but it may take several months for your final results to fully develop. A buttock lift does not add volume or shape to your existing buttocks, but it can give it a sleeker, more toned appearance.

Full recovery from buttock lift surgery usually takes four to six months. While swelling and bruising usually subside within two to three weeks. It is crucial that you follow Dr Serruriers’ post-surgical instructions when it comes to your recovery.

Dr Serrurier will recommend that you avoid any strenuous activity and exercise for up to three months following your buttock lift surgery. Follow-up appointments are the best way to ensure long-lasting results from buttock lift surgery.



If you are unhappy with the way your arms look and wish to remove some diet resistant fat and tighten the skin, I can help you thanks to a procedure called arm lift or Brachioplasty.

This is an increasingly popular procedure in both men and women, for those self-conscious about “bingo arms”

The purpose of the Arm Lift is to remove the excess skin from the upper arms and reduce the circumference of the upper arms.

You may be a candidate for an upper arm lift if you have sagging skin on the upper arms. Upper arm tissue can relax with age, genetics, gravity and weight loss, and most people are self-conscious about it.

After their Brachioplasty, patients usually report:

  • A more youthful appearance and thinner contour to the arms.
  • Reduction of flabbiness, extra skin and fat, in the upper inner arms.
  • Greater confidence and comfort in clothing
  • Long-lasting results.

In order to remove the unwanted skin during your arm lift, an incision is made that may run from near the elbow into the underarm. Dr Serrurier will place the incision in the most inconspicuous location (inner arm toward the back), where the tissue can be best tightened.

The scar unfortunately will be visible, but that should not be a deciding factor, especially with the advancements in scar treatments of today.

After the arm lift operation, you will experience some degree of bruising, swelling, tenderness and/or numbness, which is completely normal. Drains may remain in place for about three to seven days (case dependant).

Dr Serrurier will limit your activity for 5 -7 days following surgery and you should avoid strenuous activities for about four to six weeks.